

This site is intended to allow my friends, family, and students to follow my adventures throughout the summer.   By posting updates about my travels, I not only help reduce my parent’s blood pressure, but most importantly, it will hopefully allow my delightful younger cousins to see some pictures of things they haven’t yet experienced.

This summer I will not post daily, but will post updates when I can.  I plan to travel to Denmark, Sweden, and Wales for a combination of celebrating a friend’s wedding, some urban hiking, and concluding with a thru-hike of the South West Coast Path.

I hope you have an amazing summer!

Be Well,


~”In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”  ~ John Muir

*You may have to write Denmark in the search bar to find recent blogs if you are using a mobile device

57 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hey ms Bree fuqa I gratuated at Glacier high school I will come visit you guys okay I passed the class mrs. Mcgoughs class and I whenever you get back can I go on a hike with you some time ok it’s McKaynee okay

    1. Great to hear from you McKaynee!! I hope you had a great summer! I would love to go on a hike with you when I get home. Have your mom email me. Thank you for all of your nice messages this summer!

      Sent from my iPhone

  2. This is absolutely amazing! I just stumbled across this and have enjoyed catching up on this amazing journey. The pictures are breathtaking, you are a true inspiration! Just amazing!

  3. Hey Bree! It’s been fun following your journey. I think it’s safe to say that the entire community has been pulling for you. You’re almost there. keep it up and we will see you when you get home!

    Parker Ryan, D.C.

  4. Hi, Bree!

    Micah and Noah struck out from my house at 6:00 this morning to meet you on the trail. I got exhausted just watching them prepare for their two-day hike…can’t begin to imagine what your much larger adventure is like, but I applaud you for doing it and wish you all the best.

    Janyce from Kent, WA

  5. My dad, who lives in Springfield, Ohio, is avidly following your journey. He’s wondering if you’ve considered venturing east and doing the Appalachian Trail? (It’s a little shorter – 2,410 miles). He admires your energy, grit and spirit of adventure.

  6. I went on a hike on big mountain for four miles ok ms fuqa ok I just took a short nap ok it’s McKaynee by the way I will be visit my friends next fall ok

  7. Got connection MT friend/college classmate Jim Valentine. Was speaking with Jim about my interest in a thru-hike of the PCT, which being 73 next years presents interesting challenges and unique opportunities.

    I’m an experienced athlete and hiker, but not with the physical and mental conditiining required for the strenuous efforts of the PCT, as you well know.

    I will be regularly following your blog in the weeks or months to follow. I would like to consider joining you along a portion os the WA. and perhaps develop a friendship.

    Frank Doolittle

    1. Thank you Frank! The logistics of trying to meet someone is tough, but I’d be more than happy to answer any questions or help if I can. There are some older guys on the trail with strategies that work well for them!

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      1. That’s just peachy. That is abutoslely the best brand of chocolate milk I have ever tasted, but I’ve never seen it in stores outside of Los Angeles, which I haven’t lived in for a decade. So, yeah, thanks Charlie. You get $2 million an episode for the crappiest show on television, all the drugs and hookers you can fit into your mansion, and you’re drinking my goddamned chocolate milk to top it off. The only way the universe could be more unjust would be if … no, wait, yep. Charlie Sheen just shot my dog.

  8. Bree, we all worry about you,but happy that you are able to make one of your dreams come true, may God be with you every step of the way. Love-ya. Deb’e

    1. Thank you! You guys are awesome! Thanks for the coffee! An amazing family with three girls that look like they will kick a lot of butt athletically down the road! So glad I ran into you and got to meet you!!

      Sent from my iPhone

  9. Hey ms Bree fuqa I miss you all ready ok today was my last day of school for seniors ok by mckaynee

  10. Bree,
    I live in Kalispell and have a son that is a freshman at Glacier High School. I read the terrific article about you in the beacon. Our book club met last night and the book we read was Wild by Cheryl Strayed. We had a great discussion and I shared this website with our group. You were part of the discussion! I have enjoyed the blog and pictures and I wish you the best on your journey! I look forward to following along with your adventure!

  11. I will miss you ms Bree fuqa I will not be at glacier anymore I will spent time with my life love you by mckaynee one more thing I lost a couple pounds ok lost weight ok

  12. Hey ms Bree Fuqa I miss you all ready I wish I have gone with you because I would do it a long trip and a long hike ok by mckaynee ok see you then

    1. Thanks McKaynee:). I’m not sure you would’ve liked hiking this much! Maybe we could go on a hike at Lone Pine sometime in the fall.

      Sent from my iPhone

  13. I look forward to reading your blog and viewing your pictures everyday. I lift you up in prayer often through the day. I love your students’ coments. Thanks for sharing your day with so many people .

  14. Everyday of this trip is a big accomplishment only to have to get up and do it again the next. Take a moment at the end of each day, be proud of yourself, celebrate a little and enjoy who you are. You’re Awesome!

  15. Be safe and have fun Bree. Walk fast and be free. I am looking forward to following your adventure these next few months. Go get it !

  16. I will miss you ms Bree fuqa it’s mckaynee ok pss I will miss you when I’m out of high school ok

  17. Hey. Ms Bree fuqa Bree nice miles you did this Week okay I will miss you always By Ms Fuqa see you whenever ok

  18. Will enjoy following your trek thru your blog, it will also keep your parents’ blood pressure within normal limits!

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